Contact us

March of Dimes leads the fight for the health of all moms and babies.
Contact March of Dimes

We’re here to help!

We support research, lead programs and provide education and advocacy so that every family can have the best possible start. Building on a successful 84-year legacy, we support every pregnant person and every family.

If you have a question or need information, fill out the form below. Please be specific to help us get your request to the right person.

March of Dimes doesn’t provide direct patient services, referrals to health care providers or financial support to individuals or families. If you need help paying for medical care, contact If you have questions about your health or your baby’s health, contact your health care provider. 

Contact information

Helpline: 1-888-663-4637 (888-MODIMES)

March of Dimes National Office 
1550 Crystal Dr, Suite 1300 
Arlington, VA 22202

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